Despite the challenges caused by market disruptions, the rising importance of the semiconductor industry is opening up some promising growth potential for Swiss companies in an increasingly digitalized economy and society. By bundling interests, the Semiconductors industry sector addresses the concerns of this branch and makes its voice heard by the public.
Our services
- Pubblicizzare l'importanza del settore presso la popolazione e i politici;
- Fornire contributi contro la carenza di lavoratori qualificati;
- Rafforzare le attivitĂ di ricerca presso le universitĂ svizzere nel settore di riferimento, cooperazione internazionale, in particolare con l'UE;
- Garantire e facilitare l'accesso agli strumenti di finanziamento della Confederazione e alla loro alimentazione;
- Messa in rete delle aziende che operano in Svizzera e del sottosettore;
- Migliorare le condizioni quadro per le aziende svizzere al fine di mantenere la competitivitĂ ;
- Prevenire la discriminazione internazionale nei confronti delle aziende che operano nel nostro Paese.
The benefits to you
- You benefit from a network of contacts in the areas of politics, administration and the authorities.
- You can actively influence the development of the industry in Switzerland.
- You keep a finger on the pulse of technical developments and maintain an awareness of industry trends.
- You have the opportunity to talk to experts from other companies and discuss business issues.
- Joint, coordinated appearances by the industry also increase the visibility of your company.
- You have access to potential partners for cooperation on the development of new products and services.
Mission Statement
«The Swissmem semiconductor industry sector (SEMI) is the central contact point for the Swiss semiconductor ecosystem. Our mission is to internationally remain competitive by informing the public and politics on the significance and value of the SEMI industry for the Swiss economy, ensuring fair and open trade and enable industry-access to talents and skilled workers. Hence, we maintain a level playing field in a competitive global market.»
Who we are
The Swissmem semiconductor industry sector (SEMI) is a group within the Swissmem association. It is globally being recognized as a leading competence centre for «More than-Moore» applications like power, sensors, Rf- and optics to enable next level of electronic chip performance used for autonomous driving, high power computing, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Any industrial or academic partner from Switzerland and Liechtenstein who is a member of Swissmem and is active in the semiconductor value chain as a developer, planner, in research or engineering, as a manufacturer, supplier, equipment or service provider can join this industry sector.
What we want to achieve
We want to ensure that the Swiss semiconductor industry can research, develop and commercialize the outperforming technologies that are essential to follow and realize latest trends such as in mobility, energy, computer technologies and so on. Our goal is to provide a networking platform that supports the exchange of ideas with industry peers and jointly encourage policies and regulations that strengthen the semiconductor industry in Switzerland. By this we want to enable the long-term supply for Swiss industry needing semiconductor products and to remain competitive in leading future technologies.
What we do
The SEMI bundles and coordinates the member’s common interests and represents them towards stakeholders in industry, science and politics. Hence, we strengthen the expansion of our members' relationship and information network, support R&D and innovation initiatives on the national and international level and engage for industry –friendly framework conditions.
Interested? Get in touch with us.
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 31 +41 44 384 48 31