Home Services Networking Industry sectors
Contact Person  Adrian Vogel Adrian Vogel
Head of Industry Sectors
+41 44 384 48 11 +41 44 384 48 11 a.vogelnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Industry sectors bring together individual sub-sectors within the MEM industries. The activities of the 24 Swissmem Industry sectors are very diverse. Their services offer added value which goes far beyond the standard Swissmem membership.

One focus area for the Industry sectors is that of sharing experiences and networking. They also collect market-relevant performance indicators and data. Another important area is that of marketing activities, e.g. within the context of joint appearances at leading international trade fairs or through publication of brochures and specialist articles. Many Industry sectors are also members of European or global umbrella organizations. Last but not least, the Industry sectors provide input on their needs when changes are made to curricula at vocational training and university of applied sciences level.

Each Industry sector organizes itself and enjoys a great deal of autonomy within Swissmem. Their activities are primarily determined by their committees and the needs of the member companies. Swissmem provides the administrative infrastructure for the groups and takes care of the professional organization of their activities.

Our services

  • Providing a platform for sharing experiences
  • Organizing joint trade fair appearances and marketing activities (national and international)
  • Preparing discipline-specific and industry-specific information, statistics and performance indicators
  • Producing brochures and specialist articles
  • Contacts with media and public authorities
  • Administration of Industry sector

The benefits to you

  • Sharing experiences with specialists from your industry on technical questions and common problems in difficult target markets
  • Appearances at leading national and international trade fairs at reasonable cost
  • Industry-specific data
  • Inspiration for new business models
  • Access to network
Swissmem represents a diverse high-tech sector offering high-performance technological solutions in all key areas of business and life.
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Events and training opportunities

    From 19.08.2024

    Chef-fe d'Ă©quipe

    Formation de base

    Posez la première pierre d'une carrière de dirigeant.e réussie. Inscrivez-vous et informez-vous dès maintenant !

    Details Chef-fe d'Ă©quipe
    From 21.08.2024

    Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices- métiers commerciaux (MEM)

    Diplôme fédéral reconnu (100h)

    Cette formation permet d'acquérir les connaissances spécialisées et les qualifications nécessaires pour former des apprentis dans le domaine commercial. Avec diplôme fédéral ! Informez-vous et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

    Details Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices- métiers commerciaux (MEM)
    From 21.08.2024

    Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices - métiers techniques

    Diplôme fédéral reconnu (100h)

    Cette formation permet d'acquérir les connaissances spécialisées et les qualifications nécessaires pour former des apprentis dans un environnement technique. Avec diplôme fédéral ! Informez-vous et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

    Details Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices - métiers techniques
    From 22.08.2024

    Lean Leadership

    Vom Denken zum Handeln: Praxisorientierte Methoden fĂĽr effizientes Management

    Anwendungsorientierte Lean Leadership Ausbildung mit Zertifikat für Führungskräfte. Jetzt informieren und anmelden!

    Details Lean Leadership
    From 22.08.2024

    Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt Zertifizierung

    Lean Six Sigma ist eine weitläufig etablierte Methodik zur Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit und Unternehmensleistung durch Prozessoptimierung.

    Details Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt Zertifizierung

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Last update: 26.06.2019