Home Engagement Skilled labour
Contact Person  Kareen Vaisbrot Kareen Vaisbrot
Head of Division
+41 44 384 42 03 +41 44 384 42 03 k.vaisbrotnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Success – with the right team

Employees are a company’s most important resource. Different elements need to combine in order to gradually establish and develop a successful team. Swissmem gets involved at a variety of levels to ensure that the right skilled employees lead your company to success.

Qualified professionals are in demand. Studies show that the skills shortages in many occupational fields and parts of the world have become a priority issue.

Swissmem is focusing on the following strategic priorities to meet this challenge: promoting young talent, improving work-life balance, older employees, re-integration.

In addition, Swissmem has created a range of specific services to support your business in this area.

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Our services in this area

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Last update: 15.07.2019