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Qualified professionals create added value for businesses

Education is the foundation for market solutions that will be viable both at home and abroad. The abilities and commitment of employees at all levels of a business are a prerequisite for its success. Switzerland’s broad, needs-based education and training framework contributes considerably to its attractiveness as a centre of research and industry. Not only is it a key driver in the competitiveness of Switzerland’s businesses; it also opens up exciting prospects to employees and leaves a great deal of room for custom career paths.

Highly qualified employees are a material success factor for the MEM industries. Thus, employees and their knowledge and skills are at the heart of Swissmem’s commitment to education.

A successful education system, or a learning area as we know it in Switzerland, is oriented heavily towards the aptitudes and affinities of the individual and ties these together with the needs of the real world, the labour market.

One special feature of the Swiss education system lies in the co-existence of vocational education and training (VET) and high quality academic education. This gives the system great permeability: It is possible to change from one track to the other at any level and obtain a qualification.

From nurturing young talent, to basic and higher vocational training, to universities, at every level Swissmem is committed to ensuring that education is geared to the needs of the future. It is the starting point for technological, economic and social development.

Events and training opportunities

    From 25.04.2024

    Teamleiter/in Technik

    Das zweite Modul des Teamleiter/in Lehrgangs fokussiert auf die Bedürfnisse von Führungspersonen aus dem technischen Umfeld. Jetzt informieren und anmelden!

    Details Teamleiter/in Technik
    From 29.04.2024

    Teamleiter/in Office

    Das zweite Modul des Teamleiter/in-Lehrgangs fokussiert auf angehende oder bestehende Führungskräfte im administrativen Bereich.

    Details Teamleiter/in Office
    From 29.04.2024

    Chef-fe d'équipe

    Formation de base

    Posez la première pierre d'une carrière de dirigeant.e réussie. Inscrivez-vous et informez-vous dès maintenant !

    Details Chef-fe d'équipe
    From 02.05.2024

    Schulung für Fachvorgesetzte

    Durchführung einer individuellen praktischen Arbeit (IPA)

    In diesem Seminar lernen Sie, wie Sie als Fachvorgesetzte Ihre Lernenden bei der Planung und Durchführung der IPA begleiten.

    Details Schulung für Fachvorgesetzte
    From 02.05.2024

    Formation professionnelle métiers techniques

    Dans ce séminaire, vous apprendrez à planifier, accompagner et organiser la formation en entreprise des apprentis dans les métiers techniques MEM.

    Details Formation professionnelle métiers techniques

Our services in this area

Courses and training events

The Swissmem Academy offers a wide range of courses. Choose the right tool for your success.

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Vocational training

Swissmem’s vocational training school is the centre of excellence for basic vocational training in…

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Courses and training events

The Swissmem Academy and Swissmem’s specialist areas offer a wide range of courses. Choose the right…

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Training today for success tomorrow. Find out more about our training programmes.

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Improving efficiency with lean processes

Swissmem equips companies with methods and tools for implementing their own lean management…

Find out more the careers platform for the MEM industries

Find suitable training courses and vacancies within the industry.

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Last update: 15.07.2019