Home Services Networking SwisswoMEMclub
Contact Person  Zora Bosshart Zora Bosshart
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 42 23 +41 44 384 42 23 z.bosshartnoSpam@swissmem.ch

networking for women in the technology industry

Swissmem holds regular events for women in the technology industry under the name “SwisswoMEMclub”. The aim of these events is to enable women to connect with each other, provide them with an easy way to share their experiences and insights, and highlight career opportunities in the technology industry.

Today, professional networking is more important than ever when entering the world of work or developing your career. The SwisswoMEMclub provides a platform for women that allows them to connect with other women in the technology industry. It has been holding regular events in German-speaking and French-speaking Switzerland since 2015 on issues such as networking, application strategies, unconscious bias and empowerment.

We look forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming events.

Zora Bosshart
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 42 23 +41 44 384 42 23 z.bosshart@swissmem.ch

Last update: 14.03.2023