Home Engagement Sustainability Climate Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6
Contact Person Dr. Christine RothDr. Christine Roth
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 07 +41 44 384 48 07 c.rothnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6

The greenhouse gas SF6 is used in various areas of the MEM industries. However, there is no equivalent substitute for most applications. Swissmem is coordinating a sector-wide solution that is recognized by the Federal Office of the Environment. Its aim is to reduce SF6 consumption and emissions to the lowest possible level.

Voluntary sector-wide solution for SF6

Swiss voluntary agreement for the use of SF6 in electrical switching devices and switchgear(2 MB, pdf)
Emissions reduction guidelines for Swiss switchgear manufacturers and SF6 handlers (07/2024)

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Swiss voluntary agreement for the use of SF6 in Particle Beam Accelerators (1 MB, pdf)
Emissions reduction guidelines for Swiss operators of SF6 -containing particle beam accelerators (Electron and Proton Beam Accelerators) (07/2024)

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Voluntary sector-wide agreement for SF6(3 MB, pdf)
The aim of this voluntary sector-wide agreement is to restrict as far as possible emissions of SF6 by companies in the MEM industries and by electricity generating companies. (07/2024)

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