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Contact Person  Noé Blancpain Noé Blancpain
Head of Communications and Public Affairs
+41 44 384 48 65 +41 44 384 48 65 n.blancpainnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Swissmem's committees are made up of domain specialists from member companies. They deal with specific matters of relevance to the industry, track political issues, and campaign on technical, legal and education-related issues. Within the context of the MEM industry CEA, the social partners run a variety of joint entities. Representatives of unions, employee organizations and Swissmem meet for an exchange of experiences and views and to discuss issues relating to the practical implementation of the CEA.

Swissmem's committees are made up of domain specialists from member companies. They deal with specific matters of relevance to the industry, track political issues, and campaign on technical, legal and education-related issues. Within the context of the MEM industry CEA, the social partners run a variety of joint entities. Representatives of unions, employee organizations and Swissmem meet for an exchange of experiences and views and to discuss issues relating to the practical implementation of the CEA.

Our services

  • Organization and administration of committees
  • Content-related input
  • Cultivation of network of specialists within member companies

The benefits to you

  • Sharing of expertise on relevant topics with colleagues in your field
  • Direct channelling of your business’s needs and concerns into the work of the associations
  • Access to a network of specialists

Events and training opportunities

    From 21.08.2024

    Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices - métiers techniques

    Diplôme fédéral reconnu (100h)

    Cette formation permet d'acquérir les connaissances spécialisées et les qualifications nécessaires pour former des apprentis dans un environnement technique. Avec diplôme fédéral ! Informez-vous et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

    Details Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices - métiers techniques
    From 21.08.2024

    Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices- métiers commerciaux (MEM)

    Diplôme fédéral reconnu (100h)

    Cette formation permet d'acquérir les connaissances spécialisées et les qualifications nécessaires pour former des apprentis dans le domaine commercial. Avec diplôme fédéral ! Informez-vous et inscrivez-vous dès maintenant.

    Details Formation pour formateur/trice dans les entreprises formatrices- métiers commerciaux (MEM)
    From 22.08.2024

    Lean Leadership

    Vom Denken zum Handeln: Praxisorientierte Methoden fĂĽr effizientes Management

    Anwendungsorientierte Lean Leadership Ausbildung mit Zertifikat für Führungskräfte. Jetzt informieren und anmelden!

    Details Lean Leadership
    From 22.08.2024

    Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt Zertifizierung

    Lean Six Sigma ist eine weitläufig etablierte Methodik zur Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit und Unternehmensleistung durch Prozessoptimierung.

    Details Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Green Belt Zertifizierung

Interested? Get in touch with us.

Ivo Zimmermann
Head of Unit
+41 44 384 48 50 +41 44 384 48 50 i.zimmermann@swissmem.ch
Become a member now.

Last update: 27.03.2024