
War in Ukraine

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Contact Person  Subject-matter experts on the Ukraine war Subject-matter experts on the Ukraine war
+41 44 384 41 11 +41 44 384 41 11 ukrainekriegnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has changed the political and security situation in Europe overnight.

Swissmem condemns the actions of Russia, which violate international law. The effects of the war on the economy, as well as on security in Europe and Switzerland remain difficult to assess. Anyone doing business with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine must continually check whether exports and transportation are still possible, and whether the products and services can ultimately be paid for.

Swissmem is deeply concerned about the huge violation of international law and the fate of the people of Ukraine. The coming weeks will be difficult for Europe, and unfortunately it is feared that the war will become increasingly brutal. As the war continues, the sanctions imposed on Russia by Switzerland and other groups of states are likely to be tightened further.

These sanctions are already severely restricting Swiss companies’ business transactions with Russia. There is not a complete embargo: companies themselves must check whether products and services can still be exported, shipped, and ultimately paid for. Doing business with Russia also poses a considerable reputational risk.  

There is currently a great deal of uncertainty in companies in general.

Further information

Information on what Swiss exporters need to consider can be found here: https://www.swissmem.ch/en/knowledge/business-with-russia-what-happens-now.html

We have compiled a useful PDF overview (in German) of the cantonal contact offices for questions about employing Ukrainian refugees.

The sanctions applicable to Switzerland may change at any time. The latest versions are published on the SECO website at the following link: https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/2022/151/de.

Swissmem's member companies can contact our experts if they have any questions regarding the sanctions. Please use the following e-mail address: ukrainekriegnoSpam@swissmem.ch

Cantonal immigration and employment market authorities


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Subject-matter experts on the Ukraine war
+41 44 384 41 11 +41 44 384 41 11 ukrainekrieg@swissmem.ch
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Last update: 18.03.2022