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Retraining initiative

The retraining initiative, provided of the MEM industries, builds a bridge for a sustainable transition to a new career field. The educational model is focused on adults who already have a vocational qualification and are looking to retrain.

The retraining initiative takes into account the job experience and knowledge of experienced professionals and is designed for adults.

It uses modern learning methods which allow it to take account of the individual situations of the students. Because it recognizes skills already acquired, the system allows for training time to be shortened.

A skills assessment and complementary aptitude testing help to individually define the student's future training pathway.

Key information at a glance

Job market requirements: Training contract with company

  • Needs-based and practice-oriented due to direct involvement of companies
  • Oriented to and using the structures of the existing dual education system
  • Establishes a culture of change and learning for future challenges

Duration of training and methods employed

  • 2 years, in-service training, designed for adult learners
  • Classroom teaching (12 lessons per week, afternoon/early evening), independent study
  • Face-to-face time blocks for practical training in a technical laboratory
  • Applying knowledge through consolidation in own workplace

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Last update: 19.07.2019